Friday, April 25, 2008

This weeks (or so) schedule

1. 4/25/2008 For 10 years I have been saying that I am 20 something. I can't say that starting today. Yes you guess right, it is my 30th B-Day today, if you are my friend on facebook then you got my invite, if not then have some fun and enjoy your day ;-)

2. 4/26/2008 My Best friends bachelor party.

For the next 10 days go here

ScribeFire released 2.0.2


One of my favorite blogging tools and top firefox addons is Scribefire, Although if I am not on firefox, I will be using my other favorite tool (Windows live writer), but I can tell you that this tool is a blogger's dream, if you are a blogger and ... more at:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day


Happy Earth Day everyone. It is sure fun to write and read about it, but did you personally take action today? I know I did, and have been for the last 3 years. So let's keep it clean and green. Comment below and tell the world what did ...go to for videos and more.

Thank You Earth
